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As I stared out my windows overlooking the skyline of the city, I realized that if I could just part with my worldly possessions and become more mobile, I would be able to do so many more things that I wanted to do.

That’s when I decided to start selling the things I own and take off in pursuit of a life I didn’t know I could define as my reality.

I wanted more opportunity, more flexibility, and without things holding me back, the possibilities were endless. I began setting up landing pads throughout the U.S. I went from Vegas to New Orleans to Cedar Rapids, back to Chicago, then found a place near Tampa where I could escape the winter and record negative temperatures in Chicago.

I realized that I had successfully pushed past the three biggest limiting beliefs that I had…

  • Traveling the world and having an impact on people; speaking at worldwide conferences, from Sweden to Vancouver, Istanbul, Morocco, Hawaii, New York, Dallas, Nashville, Minneapolis… and many other locations.
  • Getting out of the 9-5 work environment that began to put a damper on my sunshine, crush my spirit, and steal my soul.
  • Spending the winter in a place that is warm, doing business consulting on the beach only seeing snow when I fly back to visit Chicago.

I discovered that there is a better way to live. I discovered that my assumptions of what life was and how work was done could be completely redefined. I discovered that I had the ability to change my environment and sculpt it into something that I wanted.

I discovered that by letting go of things, I found it easier to be happier with the simple things around me. A beautiful day outside, a cool breeze, a warm dinner, a place to sleep. We overcomplicate everything. By un-complicating it, by simplifying, that fulfillment that we yearn for, that peace, that purpose….it is so much easier to find.

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